This little girl is the very first Pied I ever hatched! Which is why she has the original name of First! She is smallish, and never has been a great eater but she is still AWESOME! 6 small but perfect eggs from a Special Pied Sire.
Clutch #11! Millie the het Pied x Melvin the Pied!
Millie grew up in my classroom back in the day. Melvin was one of my original Pied males I picked up early on. So there is a lot of personal history here! Just gonna make Pieds and het Pieds, but sometimes you just want a basic pied! 7 great eggs and 2 slugs.
Clutch # 10!!! Ivory het Pied x Asphalt/Yellowbelly Pastel Pied
This first time Momma and Poppa gave me 9 giant eggs with lots of veins! Fantastic for a first clutch! Once they hatch I will know if the sire is Asphalt or Yellowbelly!
Clutch #9!! Pied (Poss Orange Dream) het Axanthic x Orange Dream double het Axanthic Pied!!
More shots at Axanthic Pieds in my mystery line of Axanthic! Plus I suspect this momma is Orange Dream, but being het Axanthic she has been greyed out. Time will tell! I’m really, REALLY hoping for a male Axanthic Pied in this clutch!!!
Clutch #8. Orange Dream, Axanthic Pied x Leopard, Pastel Clown pos Het Pied!!!
Lets go Triple hets in my Mystery line of Axanthic! Best case? Pied dh Axa Clown! That would be awesome! She laid six eggs total , one was a slug so 5 shots at those triple hets! Give mom a break, she is stained up from wet coco husk. I’ll have to add in a pic of her after she sheds!
Clutch #7! Fire, Pastel, Yellowbelly, Spider x Highway Pied!
8 great eggs laid while I was out of town! From the look of the eggs I think they were laid 3-5 days before I found them. I have a very consistent 60 day hatch date in my incubator so I’ll know what the real lay day was when they slit! I got 1 slug and 1 infertile for a total of 10 eggs.
Clutch #6 Pied Female x either Special Pied or Stranger, Yellowbelly, Leopard, Pastel!
I can’t go wrong with this clutch! Either they will be Special Pieds or they will be Stranger het Pieds!! Honestly, for once, I’m hoping to see no pied at all show up in the eggs because that will mean the Stranger was the Poppa!
Clutch # 5 ! Drum ROLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! Orange Dream Pied het Axanthic x Orange Dream Double Het Axa Pied
My single most anticipated clutch of 2021!! And that is saying something! This is the original mother and the original father of my Axanthic Pied line!! And she has never been with any snake but HIM! The odds on the full monty- Super Orange Dream Axanthic Pieds is 1/32 per egg. And the odds on an Orange Dream Axa Pieds is 1/16. But those odds are what makes this so AWESOME!
Clutch #4! Pied x Het Pied
Sometimes you just want pieds! And this big Momma gave me 6 GIGANTIC eggs.
Clutch #3 Orange Dream possible Het Pied x Special Pied
Cool story: This momma is named Triton! I gave this girl to the daughter of my best friend from High School. She took awesome care of Triton for a couple of years and than decided to send her back. When she had moved on back I ultrasounded her and realized she had growing follicles. So I introduced her to 1 lock by a Yellowbelly GeneX Pied and than 4 locks by Special Pied. Shout out to Troy from Best Dressed Balls for the awesome Special Pied.
Woo HOO! Long time coming but these are the first Retic eggs I’ve ever gotten! It’s also the first eggs for both the Dam and the Sire! Momma is a pure Kalatoa Super Dwarf Retic produced by Travis Kubes in the summer of 2014. The Sire is a pure Kalatoa produced by John Cashman in January 2017. 14 eggs! 3 with poor veins but 11 that look fantastic!!!
NEW YEARS DAY! First Clutch of 2021!!!!
Momma is a Bumble Belly het Pied and Poppa is a weird Yellowbelly Pied Male that I held onto because he was so goofy. 5 eggs!
Clutch 17 Pied Momma by Whose Ya' Daddy?
I used this female to introduce several young males to breeding. She was with 2 diffreent Orange Dream Pieds, and a Yellowbelly Pastel Gene-X Pied where I saw locks. And she was with a Special Pied for 3 days where I didn’t see any locks. I’ll be happy anyway it goes!
Clutch 16! Yellowbelly Pastel het Pied x Yellowbelly Gene-X Pied!
A shot at some Ivory Pieds!! I think she laid about 3 days earlier than I found the eggs. It was an accident of timing. SO the eggs look a little dried. But no harm, no foul. They will perk right back up in the incubator. The substrateless water method of incubation is what I use, and it gives perfect humidity. 8 big eggs.
Clutch 15 Pied x Orange Dream, FIre, Pastel, Yellowbelly het Pied
The 4th and final female who was bred to my amazing, beautiful Orange Dream, Fire, Pastel, Yellowbelly het Pied male. That male certainly deserves the break he is getting! 7 eggs but 3 were slugs.
Clutch 14! Monarch x Pastel Pied
6 great eggs, 1 infertile and 5 slugs. Still, I’ll take 6 healthy eggs!
Clutch 13! Pied x Asphalt het Pied!
8 big eggs from this first time mom! Poppa is an Asphalt het Pied!
Clutch 12! Orange Dream, Fire, Pastel, Yellowbelly het Pied x Leopard Pied! Poppa is the 3rd pic!
6 awesome eggs from this first time momma! Shots at a 5 gene pied! I’m hoping the Leo shows up all over this clutch!
Clutch 11: Pied pos Het Clown x Pied het Clown
10 big fluffy shots at potential Clown Pieds!
Clutch #10, Pied x Asphalt het Pied
6 big eggs! A couple more shots at Asphalt Pieds! No Yellowbelly, no guessing!