10 HUGE big fluffy eggs from this first time mother to a first time father!
Clutch #8: Pied x Asphalt het Pied
My first shot of the season at some straight up Asphalt pieds! That pied girl has come a long way to this moment! I Love it when a plan comes together.
Clutch 7! Leopard Pied x Fire, Pastel, Yellowbelly, Orange Dream het Pied
Shots at 5 gene pieds! So awesome! 8 great eggs, 1 with weak veins and 2 slugs.
2020 Clutch 6! Pied by Orange Dream, FIre, Pastel, Yellowbelly het Pied
13 big healthy eggs from this first time mother! Awesome!!
2020 Clutch 5: Bongo Cinnamon MAYBE het Pied x Pied
Clutch Laid on 7/10/2020. Last year I made a pied by accident on a clutch that this Bongo Cinnamon had locked with. But there was some question it might have been a split clutch! And that baby pied looks unique! So it is may be a Bongo Pied! I put that Bongo Cinnamon male with a virgin Pied female I had raised up and came up with this clutch of 7 eggs! That should prove one way or the other if I have a Bongo Cinnamon het Pied or not! At the least I will make Bongo het Pieds!
2020 Clutch 4!
WooHOoo More shots at Orange Dream Pieds! Het Pied x Orange Dream Pied.
2020 Clutch 3 Ivory Pied x Asphalt or Highway het Pied
Not a giant clutch BUT sooo much potential! Female Ivory Pied who first locked with a Highway het Pied and than locked at a last, key moment with an Asphalt het Pied!
2020 Clutch 1 and 2 were Het Pied x Orange Dream Pieds! I forgot to put them up!!
Clutch 24: Orange Dream 66% Double het Axanthic Pied x Yellowbelly, Pastel, GeneX Pied.
If this girl proves out het Pied these could be AMAZING multi gene pieds. If not, they will be AMAZING het Pieds mixes!!!
Clutch 23: Coral Glow 66% het Pied x Coral Glow Pied
These eggs will be het Pied or Pieds and might be Super Coral Glows too!
Clutch 22! Asphalt het Pied x Pied!
This first time Momma laid a clutch of potential Asphalt Pieds! I would love a male Asphalt Pied!
Clutch 21 Yellowbelly GeneX Pied x Het Pied
9 huge eggs from this awesome het Pied momma. Poppa is a Yellowbelly GeneX pied.
Clutch 20: Super Pastel het Clown by either a Banana Clown or a Banana Leopard het Clown..
I used this female Super Pastel het Clown and a Banana Clown Male to help teach a Banana Leopard het Clown pos Het Pied Female Maker the birds and the bees. 6 eggs, 1 boob.
Clutch 19: Yellowbelly, Pastel, Gene-X Pied by either Asphalt het pied or Highway het Pied
This glorious momma laid her very first clutch! 10 eggs by either a Highway het Pied or an Asphalt het Pied!
Clutch 18 Banana Clown x Pastel het Clown
This glorious pastel looks even better in person than in that photo. Just awesome. Even the boob egg had lots of veins so it should hatch perfectly.
Clutch 17: Monarch x Yellowbelly Calico
Welllllllllllll…….. I’m not going to hold my breath. 8 eggs. 2 were slugs. The other 6 all had weak veins. Of course I will incubate the 6 with weak veins. However, it won’t surprise me to lose some or all of them during incubation. Why? My guess is it was the Monarch male being just a little too young to pull it off. The female is a proven girl who produced a very healthy clutch a year ago. C'est la vie.
Clutch 16: Bongo Cinnamon x Lavender Albino!!!
I think a Lavender Albino Bongo Cinnamon will be AWESOME! So fingers crossed I get a Bongo Cinnamon het Lav out of these 6 eggs!
Clutch 15! Orange Dream Pied x het Pied ! 2 clutches in one day!
I tell ya’, I think there is something to hormone cycling in ball pythons. This girl, Fat Albert, ovulated a week after Millie, the Momma of Clutch 14. Yet they both laid today. 12 eggs. Also, Fat Albert is like 9 years old and was named Fat Albert way before the public (Me, anyways) knew what a douche Cosby turned out to be. But he doesn’t get to steal Fat Albert’s name away from her. Hey Hey Heeeeeey!
Clutch 14: Orange Dream Pied x Het Pied
This is Millie! She spent her first 2 years of life living in my classroom as a classroom pet! She moved to my facility once she was big enough to be a momma. This is her second clutch and should produce Orange Dream Pieds, regular Pieds and hets! 9 eggs!
Clutch 13 Lavender Albinos
The power of a het animal. This little girl only lays 4-5 eggs at a time. But in the past her babies have been absolutely stunning. You would never know it just looking at her.