Normal by Coral Glow Pied

This girl.  I got her from a kid who had traded a video game for her.  But he lived with Grand Ma, and Grand Ma had other ideas about a pet snake.  Too bad.  So I gave the kid $50 for a new video game, seemed like the fair thing to do.

She bites, hisses and is flighty at the best of times.  Her early life is probably why. 

2 years ago she gave me a clutch that I think was from parthenogenesis.  The babies hatched, all were normals and they had wild alien heads.  But none of them thrived and all died within 6 months.  I have since found out that is relatively normal for a partho clutch .

So this year I paired her with a Coral Glow Pied just to see what she could do.

Banana Pastel Momma by either Leo Clown or Banana Clown

Gorgeous isn't she!  This is my second clutch from this girl who originally came from Josh Marki. 

8 eggs.

I couldn't decide if I wanted Leopard Banana het clowns or Super Banana het clowns so I put in both males.  It will be awesome either way.  These will be female bananas and female maker male bananas!


Batter UP! First eggs of 2018!

WooHoo!  The 2018 season is finally showing some fruit!  Father was Orange Dream Pied and Momma is Fire, Yellowbelly, Pastel, Spider, and is totally gorgeous.  My goal with this is to make some female Orange Dream, Fire, Yellowbelly het Pieds


The 2018 Season is in full gear!

The 2018 breeding season is in full gear!  Pieds, pieds and more pieds, plus some clowns, lav albinos and mixes of those! 

In 2017 I didn't have a clutch on the ground until the last day of April, and I'm betting its going to be about that same time frame in 2018.  July and August will probably be my busy month. 

I'm looking forward to whatever happens!

And one last who is YO' Daddy!? clutch for 2017.

This should be it for 2017!  My goal for the year was 20 successful clutches and this will make 21!  Awesome!  Momma is a het Pied that I hatched a couple of years ago.  She started breeding a year ago with my Yellowbelly Pastel GeneX male, than hooked up with an OD Pied a couple of times and than I switched it up and rolled in a Coral Glow Pied.  So we shall see who was in their at that peak moment!  Being Thanksgiving week, 2017 that means these eggs will be my first hatch of 2018!  Not a bad way to end the year or to start the next one!

***01/18/18  They are hatching and check out the photo, that is a Coral Glow Pied in the center bottom and an Orange Dream het Pied to the left!  Split clutch!  Two daddies!  The Coral Glow Pied and the Orange Dream Pied both hooked it up!


Good Ole' Aunt Bea!

Bumble Bee x Somebody!  We will find out who was the Daddy in 60 days!  Poppa could be my Coral Glow Pied, my Orange Dream Pied, my Yellowbelly Pastel GeneX Pied or my Bongo Cinnamon!  I'm good no matter which it turns out to be!  Clutch #20.


Whiiiiffffffff..... Orange Dream het Pied x Pied

I really have no reason to complain, I have had an incredibly steller breeding season.  But it still gives you a pang when you see a promising clutch turn into a slugfest.    This was the first clutch for this big gorgeous pied girl.  And in the past when I have had a lot of slugs in a clutch it seems to be a a first clutch for a young female.  This girl is 3, so old enough and she is large- she was 2200g after she laid eggs.  So she was viable, but sometimes it seems like a young female just throws slugs.

What I got? 2 healthy viable eggs with full veins.  3 beautiful eggs with almost no veins.  And 6 slugs....  6.  Eeeessch.

Still, she did make 11 eggs.  So the promise of next year is pretty exciting!   Clutch #17.


Mojave het Ultra by het Ultra Pied

This lady was just angry at me for coming after her eggs.  This was always going to be a long shot at some ultramels but with only 3 eggs its now an extreme longshot...  Ah well, can't hit a homer every time you bat! Clutch #16.

Coral Glow Pied x Het Pied

My first shot at Coral Glow Pieds for 2017! The sire is the first CG Pied I ever produced, back in 2015.  This is his first clutch ever.   Mom is a het pied, so we should get regular Pieds, Coral Glow Pieds, Coral Glow het Pieds and het Pieds.  Clutch #14.

Leopard Pied x Leopard Clown pos het Pied!

This gorgeosu Leopard Pied is fierce!  She didn't want to give up her eggs.  And who can blame her, putting all that effort into 8 big fluffy eggs.  The sire was my Leopard Clown possible het Pied and this is the second full pied I put him with so between those two clutches we should have enough eggs to prove he is or isn't het for pied.  Clutch #13.

Sister of Orange Dreams!

This girl has been a bit of a mystery since she hatched. She is a clutchmate from my very first Orange Dream Pied clutch but is her own thing! She doesn't look like a regular Pied but certainly does not look like full Orange Dream Pied either.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what her babies look like. The sire is an OD het Pied. So I can get Pieds, Orange Dream Pieds and hets. And who knows what her crazy look will produce!   Clutch #12!

Het Pied by oh so many possible sires!

Het Pied by Mystery Pieds. This girl is a 4 year old who had pulled back a year ago and never laid. This year I put multiple pied males in with her so we could get regular Pieds, Yellow Belly Pastel GeneX Pieds or Orange Dream Pieds. As always, I lean towards the YB Pastel GeneX Pied being the sire as he just gets things done. 8 big eggs! Clutch #11, 2017.

Oh Yeah! Leopard Clown POSSIBLE het Pied x Pied!

This will be my first chance to see if my Leopard Clown poss het Pied is actually het Pied or not!  7 eggs by a full pied girl certainly gives me good odds on showing pieds if he is het!  Worst case?  Everything will at least be double hets or Leopard double het!  The third pic is Poppa, check out his ringer!

More Lavender Albinos!

Gorgeous eggs in this clutch!  We should see some fantastic little lavender albinos out of these ivory beuties in 60 days!  That's the perfect egg coil this momma is using, isn't it!  Lavender albino x het Lavender albino.

Oh BABY! This Clutch! This is IT! My most anticipated clutch of the year!!!!!!!!

Every year you have a couple of clutchs that mean more to you than the others.  This year THIS is the single most anticipated clutch I have!  Laid 5/30/17 this is 7 chances towards a Super Orange Dream PIEDS! SUPER OD PIEDS!   In my own head that echoed off into the distance!    This is a female that I hatched 2 years ago, who never missed a meal and who bred right off the bat!  It doesn't always work that way- a young female may possible not even breed, might not ovulate, or may lay slugs.     She didn't!  So awesome!  I bred her to a male Orange Dream het pied.  So the possible outcomes are Orange Dreams,  Orange Dream Pieds, Super Orange Dreams, Super Orange Dream Pieds (Oh MOMMA!), regular pieds, and maybe a het pied or 2. 

12 eggs!! Het Pied by Mystery Father!

This is going to be a whose Yo' Daddy clutch!  Mom is a het Pied, and I put a Bongo Cinnamon male in with her once with no observed lock, and I put in my awesome Yellowbelly Pastel GeneX Pied in with her and saw one nice lock, and than I put in my Orange Dream Pied male with her twice and saw 2 locks.  Now, given the prolific nature of my YB Pastel GeneX Pied male I'm putting my money on him.  That guy would breed rope if I let him!

But that's whats so cool about a breeding like this!  You just can't know what you got until those heads start popping out!

***The father turned out to be the Orange Dream!!!***