She is a Fire, Pastel, Yellow Belly, Spider and the sire is my fantastic Yellow Belly, Pastel, GeneX, Pied! Yeah, I would have liked more than 4 eggs- but 4 eggs is way, way better than NO eggs!
5/30/17 Banana Pastel FEMALE! x Leopard Clown!!!!!!!! So Awesome!
One of my top three anticipated cliutches for the year is this one! 9 eggs that are shots at a male Leopard Pastel Banana het CLown who will be a female maker! Oh Yeah!
Clutch # 3! May 14, 2017 Het Lav by Lavender Albino
Another shot at Lavender Albinos!
Clutch # 2 Leopard Clown poss het pied X het Clown May 10. 2017.
My first shot ever at Clowns! The potential here is for Clowns, Leopard Clowns, Leopard het Clown and het Clowns. 7eggs total, all big, white and awesome.
Clutch #1 Lavender Albino x Het Lavender Albino
Though only a 4 egg clutch, this small female het Lav Albino makes up for her small clutch size by producing exquisite Lav Albino babies!
2017 Breeding Season
First up for 2017: Lavender Albinos! This little girl gave me 4 eggs from Lav Albino x het Lav Albino. this is her second clutch and she is a 5 year old. She is just small. She makes up for tiny clutches by producing some of the most exquisite Lav Albinos I have ever made. We shall see what show up at the end of June!
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